Monday, September 26, 2022

Where Does the Time Go?

These two got out for a short walk.

Then I took Emi for a longer walk while they napped.
(And Emi loved sleeping in her bassinet which attaches to the stroller!.)

We magically caught a smile!

Watched the Broncos game.
Maybe she's actually a Cowboys fan?

We changed it up around here...
I held Emi in the morning while Lizzie got caught up on the sleep she missed last night.
Then she fed Emi while I walked on my own.
Then I held Emi while Lizzie showered
and she held Emi while I showered
Then Emi napped in her bassinet and Lizzie and I both had our hands free for a bit.
And then, after Lizzie fed Emi... we all went to Target!
And had dinner at Torchy's!

Marty had to work late but after he got home, for a final hurrah, 
we played Skip Bo while trying to keep Emi 
happy for the hour before it was time to eat and go to bed.
The double-stuff Oreos were pretty tasty too.

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