Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Student Ambassador

Chris is a student ambassador in the business scholars program
(which means he's a mentor over a group of incoming freshmen--
they have activities, a couple of trips and a class together.)

He's also on the risk team at Sigma Chi, is working at Cottonwood Res three days a week
in addition to a full load of business classes. He feels like he's more organized when he's busy.
Wouldn't you love to have Chris helping you navigate your first year of college?!

Nerd gummy clusters? I never knew. 

Meanwhile back in Emi town, we got a day with no appointments or errands today (and tomorrow)!
Yay for new mom getting to rest and heal and Grandma to help because Dad needed to go back to work.

Sometime last night, Emi ate but wasn't going back to sleep readily, so they brought her to sleep by me.
I scootched her bassinet close to my bed (couch) so it was easy to check on her.
And wow! That mom awareness radar doesn't go away -- even when you're the grandma.
Every peep I startled awake, ready to scoop her up if she started to cry.
If she hadn't squeaked in a while, I still woke up to check that she was breathing.
Which was exactly the reason I was happy to have her near me -- 
so her parents could get a couple hours of deep sleep.

Lizzie, Emi and I took a lap around the parking lot 
for five minutes of new mom exercise. Slowly but surely is perfect.

Leftover night for dinner and then started Severance.
There was some temptation to watch more than a couple episodes,
but good judgment won out and we went to bed and a good hour.

They're the best parents! I love getting to watch them love on their baby.

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