Monday, September 19, 2022

Denver & Monterrey

Baby Emi update:
I'm so glad I can be here with Lizzie, Marty and Emi and help the new family get settled!
Lizzie and Marty are the sweetest parents and I'm so proud of how hands-on Marty is changing diapers, holding and burping, talking to Emi and quick to help Lizzie with anything they need.
Nursing has been a bit challenging so far, but Lizzie is able to keep her cool, take a deep breath, 
soothe Emi in a sweet way as she talks to her and try again.
It's not easy to adjust to becoming parents and these two are champs!
This morning was Emi's first doctor appointment and getting out of the house with an infant requires a lot of planning ahead to backtrack the schedule to time that she nurses just before leaving out the door.
(We have to leave at 10:00, so nurse her around 9:00, prior feeding around 6:00 and the one before then...)
Not to mention Mama has had the equivalent of major surgery just four days earlier.
Doctors do not seem to remember that!

So a one hour wait in the waiting room and a lot more waits for a grand total of two hours
at the doctor's office set a frustrating scenario.
Emi had lost a few ounces (which is normal) and "getting close to the average weight loss of 10%"
(even though she was still under that average) and hitting every other milestone of length of time eating and number of times eating and pooping and peeing and her jaundice wasn't too bad,
but even so the NP hemmed and hawed and decided they better come back for a weight check the very next day.
And get a pump and supplemental feed and move up the appt. with the lactation specialist...

What I wish she would have said is, "It sounds like everything is exactly what we'd expect! You're doing a great job parents! Do you have any concerns? Here's what to look for... If she's not meeting that, or if you have concerns, you're welcome to come in for a weight check to put your mind at ease! 
Do you want your lactation appt in one day or two days?"

Wouldn't that feel much more validating?
However, in spite of the visit taking too long and the NP focusing on negatives instead of positives,
Lizzie advocated for herself knowing another morning appointment simply was too much
and held to her guns that she needed an afternoon visit, and I was very proud of her.
I was also proud of Marty when the NP said her hospital release weight was 6.15 and Marty said,
"No, it was 6.12" and the NP said, here is says, 6.15. And Marty was so calm but resolute that they definitely said 6.12. And I was thinking, this kid is never wrong when it comes to numbers and remembering information, so I feel sure he's right and someone entered the numbers incorrectly and
I loved that he was so matter-of-fact with what he knew.

But even though the appointment was frustrating, we did have a very sweet nurse that noticed new mom needed food and hydration and to take off her mask and that the room was too hot and a medical professional advocating for her.
And after we got home, it was a lovely afternoon and evening and Emi ate great
and pooped and peed and slept and woke up and the rest of us held her, slept, ate and watched Moana.

Meanwhile in Monterrey, California,
Dan, Nick and their pro driver, Pete, took second place at Laguna Seca!
The track was super challenging, but they pushed it, the cars were fast at sea level 
and Nick even got an interview.
Nick was only a second under Pete's lap time and Dan was only a second off that. 
You know you're a parent when you're super excited that your kids are faster than you.
And Dimitrios even came to watch!

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