Wednesday, September 14, 2022

All In

Dan is trying a two-day process for homemade pizza dough.
We had homemade pasta for dinner last night.
He's really embracing making everything from scratch and I'm totally not going to complain
about how delicious our dinners are!

But, he is a novice at using up what we already have, has unlimited funds, plus 
Amazon delivery at his fingertips. So with just a few clicks anything that can help him 
for one day of meals shows up on our porch.
Pretty soon our kitchen is going to be bursting at the seams.

Today it was a food kitchen size package of saran wrap.
Because the guy who wrote the cookbook said its better to have the giant box.

We also have a new food scale because ours wasn't precise enough.
A giant box of special canned tomatoes because they taste better than Hunt's,
 of which we have 12 cans in the storage room.
The biggest package of yeast because he didn't know we have yeast (two kinds!) in the fridge.
A special dough tupperware because... our current bowls w/ lids aren't good enough?
A cheese grater because he didn't realize the one we already had had a small slicer.
Not to mention I keep saying DON'T buy tomatoes -- we have a ton in the garden!
But we don't have any big ones... 
YES, we do!

1 comment:

Sheree said...

Oh my gosh so funny and I can totally relate! Buying large bottles of condiments and not checking for duplicates is a real sore spot for me. Haha! And then having to store all the stuff that shows up at my door is also a pet peeve of mine. However, I have tasted Dan's famous salmon, Beef Bourguignon and I would for sure just let it be cause he is a great cook! Its cute that he's so excited about making all these delicious new things!