Tuesday, September 06, 2022

Too HOT!

Carol invited me to To Kill a Mockingbird tonight
(I should figure out a better way to say that without so many "to's" but 
you're not an editor and I'm not going to take the time to worry about it.)

Between taking off spur of the moment for a few days last week and
tonight saying yes to a show last minute, I'm getting a glimpse of my future
as an empty nester. And not gonna lie, but it's pretty great that as my kids grow up
and need me less day-to-day, I've got a lot of fun friends and activities to look forward to.

I first read and fell in love with To Kill a Mockingbird in 5th grade 
when Mr. Fornelius had it on his list of books for accelerated readers (decided this fit me). 
Also on his list was Lord of the Flies (Loved) and The Yearling (Didn't love).

Reading books with themes of race and murder was a big jump from my previous favorites 
of Hardy Boys and Madeleine L'Engle but I was thrilled that kids were invited into this world if we were willing to enter.

Weather update: 
Seriously, what is happening? It's September!

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