Saturday, November 28, 2020

Kids are Home!

Best news, I am feeling MUCH better! 
I even woke up on Friday with NO headache. Finally!
(Except I was up all night with the worst stomach ache from eating Thanksgiving pie.
I haven't had sugar in four months and I paid for the modest indulgence.)

Marty and Lizzie came over in the afternoon and Courtney and Michael
arrived that night. Both couples had been with their in-laws for the Holiday week.
(Michael's parents and family gathered in Utah!)

We sat around, got all caught up, and played some Harry Potter Trivial Pursuit.
It feels like it's been so long since I've seen these kids!

Saturday everyone slept in and then Nick made eggs... with Creme Fraiche, of course.
After brunch, we hiked in Millcreek at snow gate.

It should be noted that Dan grilled the best steak and chicken and 
Michael and Courtney made homemade tortillas for tacos for dinner.
Afterward, Marty and Lizzie were off because they have talks to prepare for tomorrow!

Friday night Lizzie had to work. Isn't this a fun pic we captured of her on her zoom call?!

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