Sunday, November 15, 2020

Adrenaline Rush

I've been awake all day! Amazing! 

My burst of energy is mostly attributed to having an organizing project. Dan had to pack up his office yesterday because Cottonwood is moving to a new location. He came home so pumped from the exhilaration of throwing out crap and cleaning up, he said, and I quote, "That was such a good feeling, I'm going to start cleaning out the files in my home office this week." 

What?! I think that's the sexiest thing he's ever said to me! You know I totally woke up raring to go. Never mind that he didn't ask for my help. Let's get this party started!

We spent the majority of the afternoon socially distanced on opposite sides of the kitchen counter going through files and tossing junk. So satisfying.

Dan had a plan for dinner, but around 5:00, the doorbell rang. When he answered, a car was driving off and lasagna, salad and dessert had been left on our porch from our sweet friends, The Chipanas. I've had a lot of people offer to bring food, but I've declined because Dan has a dinner plan and has filled our fridge through online grocery orders. However, to have something left on the porch was a sweet surprise and made us feel so loved. We are grateful.

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