Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Covid Benefits

 I think 
I am feeling better! 
I slept really well last night and was awake and refreshed by 7:30!
I sat in bed and finished my homework that's due today and considered going for a walk.
I never did because it sounded too hard and I worried I'd make things worse, but I feel like there's a light at the end of the tunnel!

One benefit of having Covid is cancelling everything else in life 
and having time to work on Christmas cards! They arrived today!

The cute address font and color makes me soooo happy.

We watched The Christ Child tonight.
Chris' mission is having a competition to spread the word and encourage people to watch it.
He's leading the mission!

Watch this uplifting, beautiful short video on the birth of Christ,
then shoot Chris an e-mail and tell him you saw it. You will love it.
It's the most moving portrayal I've ever seen -- I love that they only speak Hebrew.

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