Thursday, April 30, 2020


Last week we had chicken for dinner and saved the wishbone. 
Would you believe that Nick has never had a chance to break the wishbone?
Youngest child problems. 

But tonight he went head to head with Chris. 

He lost.
But it was a really exciting two seconds.

The school has figured out how to make the traditional panorama photo with the graduating 9th graders, even though they aren't in school.
They're splicing together individual photos. Pretty cool of them.

I'm really fortunate because Nick is very diligent about his schoolwork.
He cares about his grades and wants to do well on his assignments.

He's not perfect. 
Because a perfect kid would love to read (just kidding!)
AND he thinks To Kill a Mockingbird is boring, which blows my mind.
To Kill a Mockingbird has been my favorite book since 5th grade.

But even from a young age Nick preferred true stories.
I'm holding out hope that when he gets older he'll find all sorts of books he's interested in.
Maybe like biographies and business books and the kind of stuff Dan likes.
(I know there are books like that written for kids his age -- believe me, I've tried.)

But I'm so glad he's diligent about his homeschooling work and I don't have to supervise him
or worry that he's not doing what he's supposed to do.
He even does his practicing when I remind him.

Look how cute he is.

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