Monday, April 13, 2020

I Got Covid Tested

 I woke up to an 8:30 phone call. 
My doctor's office wanting me to get Covid testing before my tracheal procedure tomorrow.
Makes sense. And kind of exciting!
(Although I heard from KT that its a nasal swab that actually swabs the very back of your nasal cavity for 20 seconds -- farther up your nose than anything has ever been before... 
including that bean I stuck up there when I was a kid.

They asked that no one takes photos to not violate privacy.
So I don't have any really good ones.

Drive-up testing site:

They held up a sign that read: "Don't roll down windows. Hold up ID to the window."
The first person recorded my ID info and printed labels.

Then I drove up to the next station where the nurses were in full protective gear.
I rolled down my window but stayed in the car. 
They took my vitals and then had me pull up through the tent for the test.

They asked me to lean my head against the seat and relax.
Yes, it was a little uncomfortable, but didn't hurt and wasn't as bad as I was expecting.
I'll get results in 24-48 hours.

The test site was in Sugarhouse, so I walked around Sugarhouse park for my exercise and listened to my podcasts. Having a change of scenery was very rejuvenating.

(I still find myself trying to avoid stepping on cracks. 
That children's rhyme really made a long-standing impression on me!)

I detoured up the path and under the bridge. 
It led to a nature park which was another fun change of scenery and area to explore.

When I got home, I talked to Nick and Chris more about the next day, weeks, month.
Having just been able to be somewhere different, I was impressed at how important it will be for them to have diversions while still staying safe.

Chris had asked if he could visit with a friend and originally I was unsure.
But we decided that it actually would be good to get out of the house and hike or go somewhere
with one friend as long as they social-distanced. Nick wants to go with him too when he can.
I called and talked with Eric about his thoughts on it as well from a medical perspective.
He said, consider who is being exposed, their level of health and make sure Chris is sanitizing his car and washing hands etc.

I worked on the puzzle most of the day and made another roast chicken.
(It's tragic that I never learned to do roast chicken sooner.)

And then in a need to do SOMETHING out of the quarantine norm,
I tried out the hoverboard.

Dan held my hand to give me balance.

When I made it to the hall, I used the wall for balance...

But then I crashed when I got to the end. And hurt my elbow.
And that's the very reason of why I've never been tempted to try the hoverboard before.

Tonight we all sat around after dinner and talked longer than usual. It was so nice.
Then Marty made brownies and
 I sent Nick outside with Kershaw, and we all ended up outside,
even though it was freezing.
Getting outside with all of us makes the end of the day so much better.
Especially because it breaks up how much time the boys are playing video games.

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