Sunday, April 19, 2020

Barefoot Church

We matched so I had to take a photo.
Love going to at-home church in bare feet!

We listened to a David Butler podcast about Christ's grace for our Sacrament Meeting.
And then did Come Follow Me after for Sunday School.
We each shared a favorite scripture/idea from Mosiah 1 - 3.
German pancakes for breakfast that we ate during Sacrament Meeting.
What's not to love?

Courtney's friend, Carine, edited this photo so the whole family could be included -- 
Even Courtney, who is in her fifth week of quarantining in New York.

This was the somewhat heated discussion just before the photo was taken.
So much is being said by the expression on each face!

Courtney did a pretty good guess of what everyone was saying...

This evening I pulled out my old scrapbooks and everyone had fun
taking the walk down memory lane. 
Awwww... finally!

Marty trying to do a push-up with Nick on his back.
Everyone wanted their own turn.

We ended the night with another game of Ticket to Ride and talking about plans for Marty and Lizzie's wedding coming up soon!
Dan made the observation that we've played more games 
in the last few weeks than in the last five years!

This morning Dan and I took a walk -- is there anything better than the sight and smell 
of Spring blooms? (Actually, maybe Russian olive that should be blooming in the next few weeks!)

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