Wednesday, April 08, 2020

First Day on the Job

I was tired today from being so busy the last two days.
But I got up early and went on my bike ride and looked forward to a more chill day.
Beginning with riding, showering, eating breakfast and most importantly
finishing the puzzle.
So much time in each day but it seems I still don't do all the things I'd like to.
I also worked on my writing a little bit today -- researching POV.

Today's exciting news...
Nick started working at Pizzeria Limone!
He said it was a little stressful learning the systems and especially when it got busy at dinnertime,
but he felt like he'd gotten it figured out by the end of his shift.

He took turns with Luke answering phone orders and delivering them out to the cars.
(Their system is similar to most restaurants during "Pandemic Mode" --
People phone their orders in, then wait in their cars for a restaurant worker to deliver it out to them.)
Nick was happy that they wear gloves and change them after every couple of orders.

After arriving home he washed his hands for the advised 20 seconds.
(He's always been a little nervous about germs, so he's just the guy you want delivering food.
He'll be super conscientious!)

While Nick was at work, Chris and I did a conference call with the YM/YW 
where the youth asked the newly returned missionaries questions.

I loved hearing Chris answer with such a sweet testimony and love for missionary work.
And we never get tired of hearing him speak Spanish. He sounds so good!

Before he talked with our youth group, he and Luke talked to their buddy, 
Jaysen's, youth group, in Connecticut about missionary work as well.
And in the morning he had a "zone conference" meeting with other missionaries in our stake who are waiting reassignment like Chris. Their "zone leaders" are returned mission presidents.
Chris' are Brother and Sister Boucher, who were Kay's real mission presidents in Puerto Rico!
(I told Chris to tell them, but he forgot.)

After we were done with everything else, Dan, Chris and I watched Nacho Libre together.
Chris is loving any reference to Mexico or Spanish.

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