Sunday, April 05, 2020

Hear Him -- All Together, Covid Version

I love that we had no other conflicts with Conference this weekend. 
We could literally dedicate both days to listening to the words of the prophet as a family.
That's pretty unique and I doubt will ever happen again.

Just one of the many blessings we're enjoying amidst so much turmoil and uncertainty.
I believe that the Lord can consecrate trials, heartache and even the consequences of sin
to be for our benefit and blessing. That's the power of the atonement.

We've been able to participate in the Hosanna Shout a number of times -- most recently a few years ago when several Utah temples were dedicated and our stake was able to participate. 
Marty and Chris were able to participate at those times, but this was a first for Nick.

At first I felt a surge of emotion come over me nearly bringing me to tears.
But the next second, I felt a sweet happiness come over me and 
I got to participate in the shout with pure joy.

Between sessions we played King of Tokyo,
and of course had Conference Soup.

After we played Monopoly and enjoyed warmish weather outside.
(And talked about a temple in Dubai and Shang Hai!
It was so cool to see President Nelson get emotional.
Did he feel like his whole life was leading up to that moment?)

Nachos for dinner and Code Names and Gravity Maze for final gaming.
And then we were all churched out, so we watched Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

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