Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Too Much Talking

KT and I hiked Rattlesnake Gulch today with Kershaw.

I mailed Courtney a birthday package (the main thing she wanted was yeast #quarantinelife)
but I found a few other things to make the package fun to open.

Every grocery store and post office has plexiglass installed to protect the workers 
from being exposed to so many people and risk getting Coronavirus.
I wore my mask inside, like most people do.

I helped Clara pay some bills. She's getting super forgetful.
But has times of clarity too.
She needed toilet paper and Kleenex. Luckily I know they've got it at Target now.

The pickleball net arrived today and Nick and Chris set it up.
It's so much more fun than we ever knew. (Before Palm Springs.)
We even had racquets and lines on the sport court on Wander Lane 
and never played before. Not once.

I felt exhausted after getting home from Clara's. 
But Dan took Nick and Chris golfing and I was glad to have the chance to sit down
before dinner. After I made lasagna for tomorrow's dinner.
We decided to have them bring dinner home from the club tonight. 
My voice gets tired easily -- especially when I talked all last night, 
this morning hiking with KT and then in the afternoon with Clara.
And I wonder when my neck muscles will ever not be sore.

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