Friday, June 07, 2024

Why O Why O Why-O?

We are in Ohio at the Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course
where Nick is racing the Mazda series and the Michelin Pilot Challenge Enduro.
Marty and Erin joined us, as well as Camille.

Today is practice all day, but Marty and Erin want to watch as much racing as possible,
so everyone went to the track except Camille and me who stayed home, slept in,
wandered through the woods and along the road.

We didn't make it very far into the woods before I ran back home to put on long pants and a sweatshirt,
worried we'd trudge through poison ivy, oak or sumac and I'd be verrry disappointed I'd been in shorts.

We didn't encounter anything poisonous, but did find tiny wild strawberries.

We're in a rural area with thick woods and it kind of reminds me of Hawaii
where the trees span the roads creating highway tunnels.

But wouldn't it be weird to be in Hawaii and say,
"Kauai really reminds me of Ohio."

 I forgot my computer charger, so decided to run to Target about 30 minutes away and buy one.
Camille came with me, and on the way home, while we were choosing between
 eating lunch at Wendy's or McDonalds,
through a break in the trees, and clouds parting, a beam of light fell from the sky,
lighting up a sign with no name or words, just a soft serve ice cream cone 
hovering above a drive-up burger joint that clearly has been here from the founding of Mansfield, Ohio.
We'd found our lunch.

We ate dessert first.

Also reminisced about the ice cream truck at Franklin park when Courtney and Marty were little
and had to decide between these tough-to-choose options.
Marty always chose Spongebob. I'm not sure if Courtney chose Powerpuff Girls,
but she reallly liked the cartoon.

Have you ever seen a french fry sign at McDonalds?

We met the rest of our gang for dinner just a couple hours later,
and then while everyone else went home,
Dan and I made the trip back to Target because the computer charger I'd just purchased
didn't fit my computer. But he had one that did in his bag.

But I wouldn't call mine and Camille's excursion wasted, 
because, soft serve.

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