Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Odds and Ends

I had another BBL face treatment this morning. I'm not sure these treatment outcomes are what I was hoping for. Last month my dark spots got darker and then just faded back to normal. The aesthetician assured me they were lighter than before, but I'd understood they'd flake off and be gone forever. Darn.

A blissfully peaceful day to get back to the grindstone editing my book again to prep for submitting to more agents. My kids are all reading it now and its fun to hear their thoughts. I could talk about my book all day, so I have to stop myself so I'm not a conversation hog.

Emi helped decorate Dan's phone case and I love that he's left her stickers on. He's in love with his granddaughter.

We went to dinner with Nick tonight and trying not to think about this being his last month home before going on a mission. Today he said, "Mom, can I get your advice on something?" It makes me so happy that he wants my advice and shares what's on his mind!

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