Saturday, June 29, 2024

Quintessential Summer

Last night, Shaeffers stopped by for dinner on their drive from Tempe to Logan.
We loved getting to catch up, spend time with the kids and meet Clark's fiance, Bethany.

Courtney came home from her few days in Yosemite at a friend's wedding
and we got to see all her pictures of them sight-seeing and exploring,
and add "visit National Parks" to mine and Dan's bucket list.

Rachel and kids got home late, and Reese bought Baby Alive with her birthday money from YaYa.
Just the mention of Baby Alive and food packets and I can taste the banana powder that
I was supposed to feed my Baby Alive, but me and Michelle ate instead.
(Because, sugar.)
Reese and Rachel were shocked that Baby Alive was around when I was a kid.

When I woke up this morning, I spent some time in the sunroom,
(Dylan also loves hanging out in the sunroom and I love that we have that in common,)
and this little guy came to the window and stared at me for a long time.

This afternoon, so many Adairs came over--we had a pool party day that lasted long into the night.
We were thrilled that all the big kids came too--it made a family gathering really feel like a reunion.
Grandma Nancy & Marge; Diane & Luke; Michael, Katie, Charlie, Brook, Gavin & Jacob; 
Sheree & Jared, Elise, Ethan & Soleil, Monet & Carson, Simone & Soren;
Rachel, Dylan & Reese; Rachel's friend, Heather, & her daughter;
Me, Dan & Courtney.

After swimming, we moved over to the patio for a BBQ, 
then a lot of the kids went inside to race on the Sim.

As everyone was leaving, Courtney and I ran to get groceries for her friend's pool party & brunch tomorrow, and Nielsen's. (Because, Nielsen's.)

And when I went up to bed, Dan had the couches on our patio made into a bed and we slept outside under the stars. Which is my summer dream-come-true.

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