Tuesday, June 11, 2024

RS Social

Starting the day by reading scriptures and journaling on our bedroom patio
in the cool morning, sun shining, birds singing, blue sky, full green trees, and flowers blooming,
made my list of all the things to do seem easily possible.

I'm behind in journaling and I have a lot of feelings I want to capture,
from Pagosa, Nick's mission, Chris in Houston, my book progress... no, book finished... 
well, progressing... no, finished... ok, but all those typos. Fine, progress.

I didn't journal very much, but I started. And starting is more than nothing.

Our RS Social was lovely, simple set-up today since Nick, Dan and Camille had helped me bring all the tables and chairs over to our neighbor's home last night.
And tonight, in spite of the heat, we had a great turnout and plenty of shade.

Homemade ice cream is becoming a new fun tradition!

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