Saturday, June 22, 2024

Family Night

 Another pool day and no pictures to show for it.
Dan and I rode bikes this morning,
I worked and he practiced in the sim,
then we laid out for an hour.

Rachel and I texted Bekah this morning wondering about some big news she posted on Instagram.
We were flattered and thrilled when she actually called us back!
We talked for a long time and she told us all about the new building she just closed on for her business.
We laughed and reveled in Bekah energy
and Bekah was verrrry close to jumping on a plane and coming out because 
she had FOMO. But she is also very busy, so a phone call had to suffice.

In the evening, Sheree, Jared, Soren & Simone came over
and Mom & Dimitrios.
And all of us, including the Lymans,
ate dinner at the pool and spent hours talking and catching up.

Love this family time we're getting!

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