Thursday, June 20, 2024


I had time this morning to hear all about Girl's Camp from Lizzie.
Who doesn't love a good debrief?!

I left at noon and arrive home around 5:00
to Rachel and Reese and Diane.
The Lymans are in town for the next week and had intended on being at Lagoon today,
but Reese got sick so the girls came home early.

I plopped on the couch next to them, kicked my feet up and 
we all stayed that way for a couple of hours.
Then the boys came home--Jeremy, Dylan, Cooper and even Jacob and Gavin.
We all had fun talking and catching up some more until 10:00 
when the Lymans went to put the kids to bed and I headed to bed myself.

I was walking through the entry towards the stairs when the front door opened and 
Michael and Katie came in, bringing pj's for Jacob who was sleeping over with Cooper.
So we started talking, Rachel and Jeremy came back from their room 
and everything was still loud and buzzing when Dan came home from NYC at 10:45,
and joined in the conversational fun and fray.

We didn't get to bed until after midnight.
But it feels so good to be with my brother and sister and their families.

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