Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Bison and Daddy's Ballgame

After our very late night last night, Emi and I stayed home to play at the house.
We also said goodbye to Papa and Nick in the morning.

Every day Emi likes to paint or draw with markers.
I made her an Elmo just like I used to make for Courtney,
and she recognized him immediately.

She also knows a lot of her colors!

We ran to the grocery store to get ingredients for chicken enchiladas.
Emi was a little tired and hungry, so I fed her string cheese and drinkable yogurt in the grocery cart.
I didn't think she could get the yogurt cap off, but she's very adept at using her teeth
to clamp down on caps and twist!

She also requested that I sing "Biggy Wiggy Spider" (an alternate version of Itsy Bitsy Spider that I learned at library storytime), over and over and over!

Each day during her nap I throw my feet up and read and nap.
It's amazing to be able to watch Emi without having any other obligations, chores or projects I want to do.
It's so much more restful! But of course when you're a mom, you're trying to juggle parenthood and becoming your own self, and have other responsibilities. 
But I really love this aspect of grandma-hood!


Marty got to come home from work early because it's Juneteenth,
so we took Emi to see the Bison at Daniel's Park a few minutes away.

Marty had a baseball game tonight, so Emi and I went to cheer him on.
Emi was very excited to see dad get on base with a grounder, but after the first inning,
she was more excited to play at the park.

We kept checking in on Marty and watching the score from afar.
He got up four times and on base four times and it was a close game, but Marty's team won!
Man, I loved those baseball years cheering for Marty and all the other boys!
He said he really looks forward Wednesday nights when he plays with his work team.

Lizzie comes home tonight... Emi is going to be really happy to see her Mommy tomorrow!
The first day I was here, when I was driving Emi to the library,
she repeated over and over, "Bye bye Mommy. I love you."
So cute!

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