Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Date Night

Dan and I rode the Vespa to Sugarhouse Park,
ate a picnic dinner, and laid out on a blanket to relax and talk,
immersed in the community of strangers.
(the youth baseball game, YA futsol game, kids tubing down the river, walkers and joggers 
and stroller-pushers, bikers, river-crossers and cairn builders, a cheering crowd and 
hundreds of others enjoying the light nights of summer.)

When we set out at 6:45, it was still 97* and within a few blocks of what felt like driving through an oven,
we considered turning around and getting in the car.
We decided to stick it out on the Vespa, and were glad we did.
It was a lovely ride home.

We stopped at 7-11 to fill up with gas and get Slurpees for dessert.

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