Monday, June 17, 2024

Emi Time!

This morning, Emi and I went to library storytime and My Gym.
I've been really looking forward to going to her classes with her and 
getting a look into her world.

I wanted to write down all the cute things she did,
but I chose not to so I could stay present and just enjoy being with her.
But I did get a few photos.

Emi loves feeding the Big Monster with her library returns!

She also wanted to pull more books off the shelf and feed them to Monster.

Storytime included stuffed animals, singing time, movement,
and, of course, stories.

After a while, she wandered out of the room to the rocking animal toys.
But as soon as she heard the "Wheels on the Bus" song start, 
she ran back to do the actions.

Before class was over, she wanted to check out some toys in other areas of the library and climb the stairs to the second floor.

Several times while talking about her schedule earlier today, 
when we mentioned storytime, she said, "Bubbles!"
But I noticed we missed the bubbles at the end of class while exploring.

Fortunately, a toddler class started right after, so we got to enjoy bubbles with them.

We checked out four more books and Emi was very excited about standing on the stool at the checkout stand and helping scan the library card and books. You can tell she's done this lots of times before!

Outside they had giant Connect 4 and Jenga and sidewalk chalk and Emi played with all of those for a while. One thing I noticed on this trip was how nice it is to be Grandma, on Emi's schedule, without anything else I needed to do! It made our activities so enjoyable.

The library had about five rocking chairs out front and Emi wanted to sit in every one and have me sing "Rock-a-bye-baby." After I sang a few stanzas, she'd climb out of the chair, move to the next one and say again, "more rock-a-bye-baby."

She also said, "what's that?" to every bird in every sticker decoration, and then after we talked about them all, she said goodbye to all of them when it was time to leave.

We headed straight to My Gym which was darling and she loved and 
gives me all the warm fuzzies thinking of my own kids who each loved My Gym for years.

Then home for lunch and a nap.

Dan arrived just after I put her down and the two of us read and slept
while Emi had a fantastic nap. 

That afternoon we took her to the park, but it was very, very hot.
She still wanted to try every slide, swing and toy. And cute Grandpa figured out if he poured water on the swing seat, it would evaporate quickly but cool it off enough to swing!

 She played in the drinking water fountain for a long time. It was in the shade and right by the picnic tables so a great place to play on a hot day. Grandpa helped her figure out how to push the fountain button by herself and try to scoot her cup in the right spot to catch the water so she could dump and refill and we could just watch. 😂

After Marty got home from work we all walked to the rec center pool.
Marty & Lizzie have the best community resources.

I put Emi to bed at 7:00 p.m. while Marty made Pad Thai for dinner
and I remembered how great it is to have littles that go to bed early and have
the rest of the evening with adults.

But I have sure loved time with Emi girl--
I love that she's talking so well and is able to tell us what she wants.
While in the car, I put on Broadway Kids and also Disney songs and she didn't respond. 
But after a while I put on CocoMelon and she shouted, "Yay!!"
She's so so so so so so so so so so so so so cute!

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