Sunday, June 23, 2024

Bloom Where You Are Planted

Marge's lily that I planted several years ago is exploding in size and blooms!

One of the YW's themes when I was a teenager was,
"Bloom Where You Are Planted." 
It's pretty impressive that it's stuck with me for 40 years.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Family Night

 Another pool day and no pictures to show for it.
Dan and I rode bikes this morning,
I worked and he practiced in the sim,
then we laid out for an hour.

Rachel and I texted Bekah this morning wondering about some big news she posted on Instagram.
We were flattered and thrilled when she actually called us back!
We talked for a long time and she told us all about the new building she just closed on for her business.
We laughed and reveled in Bekah energy
and Bekah was verrrry close to jumping on a plane and coming out because 
she had FOMO. But she is also very busy, so a phone call had to suffice.

In the evening, Sheree, Jared, Soren & Simone came over
and Mom & Dimitrios.
And all of us, including the Lymans,
ate dinner at the pool and spent hours talking and catching up.

Love this family time we're getting!

Friday, June 21, 2024

Belated Father's Day

Dan and I stayed in bed until noon today.
(Actually he got up early to ride, but then hung out with me after he got home.)
We haven't been alone together in ages, and had so much to catch up on. 
I'm grateful we're still good friends.

We planned on a pool day today, but had a big rain shower at 1:00,
so we didn't get outside until the evening. 
Michael and Katie came back over and so did Jeremy's twin, Josh and his family.


Dan opened his Father's Day gifts today and he was spoiled!
The kids were very excited about getting him a new putter.

And he's excited for new grilling recipes.


Thursday, June 20, 2024


I had time this morning to hear all about Girl's Camp from Lizzie.
Who doesn't love a good debrief?!

I left at noon and arrive home around 5:00
to Rachel and Reese and Diane.
The Lymans are in town for the next week and had intended on being at Lagoon today,
but Reese got sick so the girls came home early.

I plopped on the couch next to them, kicked my feet up and 
we all stayed that way for a couple of hours.
Then the boys came home--Jeremy, Dylan, Cooper and even Jacob and Gavin.
We all had fun talking and catching up some more until 10:00 
when the Lymans went to put the kids to bed and I headed to bed myself.

I was walking through the entry towards the stairs when the front door opened and 
Michael and Katie came in, bringing pj's for Jacob who was sleeping over with Cooper.
So we started talking, Rachel and Jeremy came back from their room 
and everything was still loud and buzzing when Dan came home from NYC at 10:45,
and joined in the conversational fun and fray.

We didn't get to bed until after midnight.
But it feels so good to be with my brother and sister and their families.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Bison and Daddy's Ballgame

After our very late night last night, Emi and I stayed home to play at the house.
We also said goodbye to Papa and Nick in the morning.

Every day Emi likes to paint or draw with markers.
I made her an Elmo just like I used to make for Courtney,
and she recognized him immediately.

She also knows a lot of her colors!

We ran to the grocery store to get ingredients for chicken enchiladas.
Emi was a little tired and hungry, so I fed her string cheese and drinkable yogurt in the grocery cart.
I didn't think she could get the yogurt cap off, but she's very adept at using her teeth
to clamp down on caps and twist!

She also requested that I sing "Biggy Wiggy Spider" (an alternate version of Itsy Bitsy Spider that I learned at library storytime), over and over and over!

Each day during her nap I throw my feet up and read and nap.
It's amazing to be able to watch Emi without having any other obligations, chores or projects I want to do.
It's so much more restful! But of course when you're a mom, you're trying to juggle parenthood and becoming your own self, and have other responsibilities. 
But I really love this aspect of grandma-hood!


Marty got to come home from work early because it's Juneteenth,
so we took Emi to see the Bison at Daniel's Park a few minutes away.

Marty had a baseball game tonight, so Emi and I went to cheer him on.
Emi was very excited to see dad get on base with a grounder, but after the first inning,
she was more excited to play at the park.

We kept checking in on Marty and watching the score from afar.
He got up four times and on base four times and it was a close game, but Marty's team won!
Man, I loved those baseball years cheering for Marty and all the other boys!
He said he really looks forward Wednesday nights when he plays with his work team.

Lizzie comes home tonight... Emi is going to be really happy to see her Mommy tomorrow!
The first day I was here, when I was driving Emi to the library,
she repeated over and over, "Bye bye Mommy. I love you."
So cute!

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Tiny Town and a Dodgers Win

Dan and I took Emi to Tiny Town today about 30 minutes away in the mountains.
Nick loved the Zoo train that Maria Luz took him to every week she babysat and I 
thought it would be fun to do with Emi while we were here.

Tiny Town did not disappoint!
Over 50 little houses just Emi's size to look in the windows and point out all that you see.
Books in the library, stuffed animal students in the school, a movie theater,
flowers and toys in each tiny window.

The train ride was ten minutes through a little forest and past many more tiny buildings
that you can't see from the main path, making it even more exciting.

We were exploring the town when the train passed the first time.
Emi waved to everyone, then turned to me with the most hurt look on her face
that she missed the train. But we got our turn!

(It was super nice to have Dan wait in the train line while me and Emi could wander and play!)

(Cute Emi-ism when I told her she waited so patiently for her turn:
Emi: "Yep, I did it!")

After our train ride, we walked past the houses again and down to the playground.

It was crowded, but the kids all navigated around each other well, including Emi.
After a turn in the kid swing, she wanted to try the big swing all by herself.

We thought we'd have a hard time keeping Emi awake on the ride home,
but she didn't fall asleep so we stopped for lunch at Mod Pizza.

She finally was down for her nap just after 1:00 and slept until 4:00!
We let her sleep as long as she wanted because tonight we had a Dodgers Game vs the Rockies!

Uncle Nick even flew in for the game.

While Marty and Nick were clocking how fast they could throw,
Dan and I took Emi to the playground. 
It was also crowded, and I was super impressed how all the children maneuvered around each other.
Emi got bumped three times, and all three times the bigger children stopped, said they were sorry and asked if she was okay. In addition to big motor skills, strength and confidence building, there are a lot of life skills being learned at the playground that I never realized before. (Or forgot!)
And of course, on top of all that, having fun.

Dodgers have a Michael Peterson on their team and I think
Courtney and Michael, need to get Dodgers Jerseys this year!

It was a beautiful night for a game, but the Rockies went way ahead in the first inning.
We were debating leaving because it was past Emi's bedtime, but then she was in a great mood,
so decided to stay. So glad we did because we saw the Dodgers get a Grand Slam in the ninth!
And after that a triple run play, blowing them past the Rockies with a score of 11-9 and a win.

We now believe we've seen the best inning in Dodgers recent history
and the worst inning (at the 2020 World Series game in Texas).

Monday, June 17, 2024

Emi Time!

This morning, Emi and I went to library storytime and My Gym.
I've been really looking forward to going to her classes with her and 
getting a look into her world.

I wanted to write down all the cute things she did,
but I chose not to so I could stay present and just enjoy being with her.
But I did get a few photos.

Emi loves feeding the Big Monster with her library returns!

She also wanted to pull more books off the shelf and feed them to Monster.

Storytime included stuffed animals, singing time, movement,
and, of course, stories.

After a while, she wandered out of the room to the rocking animal toys.
But as soon as she heard the "Wheels on the Bus" song start, 
she ran back to do the actions.

Before class was over, she wanted to check out some toys in other areas of the library and climb the stairs to the second floor.

Several times while talking about her schedule earlier today, 
when we mentioned storytime, she said, "Bubbles!"
But I noticed we missed the bubbles at the end of class while exploring.

Fortunately, a toddler class started right after, so we got to enjoy bubbles with them.

We checked out four more books and Emi was very excited about standing on the stool at the checkout stand and helping scan the library card and books. You can tell she's done this lots of times before!

Outside they had giant Connect 4 and Jenga and sidewalk chalk and Emi played with all of those for a while. One thing I noticed on this trip was how nice it is to be Grandma, on Emi's schedule, without anything else I needed to do! It made our activities so enjoyable.

The library had about five rocking chairs out front and Emi wanted to sit in every one and have me sing "Rock-a-bye-baby." After I sang a few stanzas, she'd climb out of the chair, move to the next one and say again, "more rock-a-bye-baby."

She also said, "what's that?" to every bird in every sticker decoration, and then after we talked about them all, she said goodbye to all of them when it was time to leave.

We headed straight to My Gym which was darling and she loved and 
gives me all the warm fuzzies thinking of my own kids who each loved My Gym for years.

Then home for lunch and a nap.

Dan arrived just after I put her down and the two of us read and slept
while Emi had a fantastic nap. 

That afternoon we took her to the park, but it was very, very hot.
She still wanted to try every slide, swing and toy. And cute Grandpa figured out if he poured water on the swing seat, it would evaporate quickly but cool it off enough to swing!

 She played in the drinking water fountain for a long time. It was in the shade and right by the picnic tables so a great place to play on a hot day. Grandpa helped her figure out how to push the fountain button by herself and try to scoot her cup in the right spot to catch the water so she could dump and refill and we could just watch. 😂

After Marty got home from work we all walked to the rec center pool.
Marty & Lizzie have the best community resources.

I put Emi to bed at 7:00 p.m. while Marty made Pad Thai for dinner
and I remembered how great it is to have littles that go to bed early and have
the rest of the evening with adults.

But I have sure loved time with Emi girl--
I love that she's talking so well and is able to tell us what she wants.
While in the car, I put on Broadway Kids and also Disney songs and she didn't respond. 
But after a while I put on CocoMelon and she shouted, "Yay!!"
She's so so so so so so so so so so so so so cute!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Another Podium Finish!

Another 2nd place in today's race.
I thought it was a great race because he really had to battle to hold off the girl behind him.
He wished he was battling for first.
But I guess that's typical of every athlete.

Pretty proud Papa, though!

I go to Denver to babysit Emi today while Lizzie goes to girls' camp
and while Marty is at work! I'm so excited!

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Second Place!

Nick took second in today's Porsche Sprint at VIR! 
Lots of cool shoutouts from the announcers about his mission 
and "Where did this kid with so much speed come from?"
Go Nick!

I've been buuuuusy organizing and cleaning and hanging and decorating.
Completing lots of little jobs that have been ignored, and it feels so good knowing that even though 
I'm leaving tomorrow, when I return my house will be more homey.
(I don't think anyone else will notice how cute the upstairs hall table looks with the coffee table books I moved from elsewhere and added the plant and Eiffel Tower decoration on top and also the new frames from HomeGoods with family photos I printed and placed in the entry. 
But I notice and it makes me happy.)

To end the lovely, lovely, lovely days I've had to myself,
I sat on the porch outside my room for a while before bed and even debated sleeping outside
because that's how nice and cozy I felt.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Cute Kids and Their Kids

Stole some photos from Lizzie--look how cute my kids and their kid are/is!
Can't wait to seem them in a couple of days!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Meme Day

What made me laugh lately...


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

One Day

 Today is my favorite date -- June 12 -- my first date with Dan, the beginning of the rest of my life.
This week we finished the Netflix series, "One Day," 
so I've put together our own One Day photos.
 (As close to June 12, as possible. We should be better about taking pictures together on special days!)




