Saturday, February 17, 2024

Surf Lessons, Golf and Ta-Da!

Dan and I volunteered to watch Emi while the kids had surf lessons.
Courtney coordinated and we realized the beach was farther away than the Kihei beach we've surfed at before. As it turned out, it was only another 15 minutes, but they liked the surf better and the waves were much less crowded. Also it was a better beach for Dan, Emi and I to play in the sand.

The best part was the whale action right behind where they were surfing.

Whale spouting right behind Nick!

More whale action behind Nick!

Emi is so observant! She could see a backpack at a picnic table quite a ways off and knew it was her dad's.
"Daddy!" She said and made a beeline for it. Then pointed out her dad's shoes and her mom's shoes and even Nick's shoes. 

She loved playing in the sand and filling the bucket and sand toys to make shapes.
She learned to say "ta-da!" when we flipped the sand-filled bucket, crab and apple molds upside-down 
and made designs. "Ta-da!"

She really liked getting her feet wet and laughed and laughed.
We also filled the watering can but a couple of times she dropped it and it got sucked into the waves.
We called "Papa" to come help and rescue it. Our hero!

Emi has started calling Dan "Papa." 
Over Christmas we called him Grandpa, because he said Papa was the Grandpa name for his dad.
But Emi has the final word, and Papa it is! 
She definitely knows who he is and what his name is.
If she finds his hat or sunglasses, she picks them up, says, "Papa," and takes them to him!

After surf lessons we had breakfast at Kihei Caffe,
then pool and beach time back at the hotel.

This afternoon the boys went golfing. The girls relaxed and Emi had a nap.
When she and Lizzie came over after she'd woken up, she was happy one minute and crying the next.
Lizzie took her back to their room and Emi slept for another 45 minutes!
They're all troopers adjusting to this schedule with a baby!

We met the boys right at sunset in town.

And ate dinner at Paia Fish Market

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