Friday, February 23, 2024

Healthier Choices

 I went to Physical Therapy for my tennis elbow yesterday and added the stretches to my goal app so I wouldn't forget to to them each day. Next week they're going to do dry needling, which I'm excited to try!

I also added "no sugar" to the app so I could be incentivized to make healthier snack choices. At my hair appointment today she had a bowl of peppermint patties--which I love. (So did Clara. It was a staple on her weekly grocery list. In the last couple of years she didn't make a list anymore, but I knew what she wanted and she was always so happy to have her treats and her chocolate milk. And toilet paper.)

Back to my hair studio--I almost reached for a treat, and then I remembered if I ate one I wouldn't get to mark my chart. And that was all the motivation I needed. I'm open to having dessert, but I want it to be a conscious choice, and not me simply snacking on peppermint patties and chocolate chips because I was in a mood. Or shall we say, not in the mood to go through the extra effort to make something healthy.

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