Thursday, February 22, 2024

Dented Cans and Other Fears

It was with much trepidation, and also curiousity, that I ate the pears from this very dented can. Would I die instantly--instantly!-- of botulism? 

I considered leaving a note, letting my family know I loved them... but clearly not enough to toss the 5 halves of pears from this can and just eat from a non-dented, non-contaminated can. I'm sure the total cost of one can from the Costco pack was at least 88 cents, and I hated to waste it.

They sell dented cans at the grocery store, I reasoned. The risk can't be that great. But, the botulism fear instilled during multiple elementary school health units, is real. They scared us real good. (Also why I can't sleep with the bedroom door open. The fire movie of the little boy almost dying because he didn't shut his door and had smoke inhalation really spoke to me. It was such an easy adjustment to make.)

Also thinking of grandma warning us real good with stories of a relative whose finger was chopped off while she slept by a burgler who wanted to steal her wedding ring. I take off my rings every night. EVERY. NIGHT. I won't even go into her stories that created the deep-seeded fear I had of Ted Bundy.

Reader, I did not die of botulism. I am here to tell the tale and the pears tasted just fine. 

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