Monday, February 26, 2024

Good Work

I had a horrible night's sleep and by 4:30 was wide awake because I was hot, 
my stomach hurt and Dan was snoring.

I tried to sleep on the couch, but couldn't get comfortable,
so got up, made my ginger tea, read my scriptures and did my gentle stretching
and tennis elbow exercises. I also took down the Christmas cards.
By then it was 7:00 and I tried going back to sleep on the couch but 
every time I drifted off, Chris came in or out.

Finally at 8:00 I went to my own bed and had it to myself because Dan was getting up.
I was so cozy but had terrible dreams of a dirty, messy family room with a ton of people and no time to clean it before the designers came and then I was at a yoga studio with the wrong clothes and having a baby shower and then driving in mud on a sheer cliff and falling off.

It wasn't restful at all.
I threw on clothes for a 10:00 meeting with the designers and a rep from out of town to fix our new couch that was made incorrectly. (Yay for good service.)

And then I got to work. I spent 10 hours today reading my book and cutting words.
I mean, I was really into it!
I got through 160 pages--between 10 and 15 pages an hour--and cut 900 words. 

I really wanted to make it to under 96,000, but its 11:00, my computer battery is almost dead 
and my brain battery is almost dead.
I also found a problem with some dates so I need to be fresher to figure that out.

But Go Me!

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