Monday, February 19, 2024

Island Star and Goodbyes

We love our Island Star whale watching and snorkeling excursions.
But, Emi has to wear a life jacket the whole time and she was not happy about it.

We're thinking we might make it an every other year thing. 
Or take turns on another type of whale tour so poor Emi isn't miserable. 

We went to a new place to snorkel: the turtle cleaning station,
and saw so many turtles. 

We saw a lot of close-up whale action, but mostly their backs and tails.
It's been a long time since we've had a big breech near us.
As Courtney said, "We'll always have Alaska."

Would you believe we ate a late lunch at Coconuts again? 

Courtney and Michael had to pack and leave to the airport as soon as we got back.
On the car ride home, Emi started calling Michael "Mimi" and Courtney "Nor-Nor."

Chris and Nick had a few more hours until their flight, so we played on the beach
in the evening and enjoyed one more sunset.

They got dinner with Marty & Lizzie while Dan & I watched Emi.
Tonight's word was "Gonk" -- trying to copy me saying "Honk" when I honked my nose.

Another cute thing on this trip is Chris "getting her nose." It's kept her entertained for a long time
and when we say "point to your nose" when Chris "has" it, she points to his thumb. It's so cute.

She also loves doing "cheers" with her drink to Chris's.

Tonight we saw turtle sculptures and stuffed animals and she learned to say "turtle."
She's so smart and at the age where she tries to copy what we say! It's so fun.
Everyone has doted on her this trip and loved playing with her. 

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