Thursday, February 29, 2024

Prayers and Querying

Today was my self-imposed deadline to finish edits and submit my first query.
It turned into an actual deadline when the agent I hoped to submit to said she was closing for queries on March 1! 

I read my scriptures and wrote in my journal and while I said my prayers, I said the words, 
"Please inspire me to find the right words and see areas that need improvements."
I didn't think of those words ahead of time and I think it was a manifestation of the scripture:

"...and they did not multiply many words, for it was given unto them what they should pray..."
3 Nephi 19:24

I decided to put off exercising and get right to work on submitting the query,
which included submitting my first ten pages, so of course I wanted to read through them one more time.

And because I had so much I wanted to get done on my book,
I spent the first five minutes combining two ketchups so there was only one bottle in the fridge.

I think its my need when I'm a little bit stressed to self-soothe by organizing.
Regardless, I did feel better afterward.

And then I got to work, still in my pj's, because those are the most productive days.

As I read through the first ten pages, I saw with such clarity sentences to fix and how to make them sound better. I used the thesaurus, yes, but I found the right words.
It was an amazing feeling and I'm so grateful that I was inspired about what to pray for
and that God cares about the things that are important to me!

I've had this experience many times over the years, especially when I've considered what to pray for my children--two especially come to mind because after the prompting, this was part of my prayers for years:

"Bless them to know who they are and who they can become."
"Bless them to make good decisions and have the courage to repent when they don't."

Also when Kay had her terrible car accident.

I edited my pages, I cleaned up my query, I read a blog to double-checked my genre and remember best word limits for bios and cut the fat.

The hours SPED by! Four hours seemed like minutes and at 1:00, I was ready to submit.
And just the I remembered I had a PT appointment for my tennis elbow at 1:20!

And I did it!

I changed from pj's to real clothes with only a spit shower and a quick brush of my hair 
and was only five minutes late.

And I got to experience dry needling.
The needles are much bigger than a shot needle. And they go ALL THE WAY TO THE BONE!
The inserting doesn't hurt, it's the prodding at the bone and twising to tighten that
 definitely makes you sit up and take notice

And then they battery cabled the pins to an electrode machine, turn it up until your uncomfortable but not excruciating, then leave you with a bell to ring in case you can't take it any longer.

Fortunately I had my headphones and could listen to my book and survived.
It may help heal my tennis elbow in a few days! Fingers crossed.

After I got home, Lizzie and Emi came for a surprise visit!
(The days got away from me and I totally forgot they were in town.)

Later in the evening I submitted a second query.
Here we go.

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