Wednesday, June 28, 2023


Rachel, Dylan and Reese arrived last night!
A few weeks ago when Rach was planning her Utah trip, I said yes to Lagoon.
Any time with my younger nieces and nephews is a bonus, so I didn't want to miss out.

We weren't rushing out the door in the morning (happy day! I'm soo tired!), 
so I brought out the stair slide from a couple Christmases ago.
Honestly its a little fast with an abrupt ending.
Bumping down on your bum like we used to do as kids is probably more fun.

After a leisurely morning, we arrived at Lagoon around noon.
Dylan was dying to go on all the biggest rides and Reese, was right there with him.

We started with Wicked and I sat out Wild Mouse (because someone needed to hold the bags AND, I HATE the feeling of being thrown off the track. Later, Bekah and I went together and it confirmed my need to avoid this type of ride at all costs in the future.)

Bekah and girls met us an hour later as well as her sil, Marie with three of her kids.

The day was overcast and 78*, lines were short and we weren't in a rush.
The kids were thrilled to be with cousins and everyone had a friend or choice of aunt to ride with.
Several times, I got to be that aunt which made a day at the amusement park worth it!

Rachel, Dylan, Reese and Livy rode Cannibal three times while the rest of us watched the kids play games and win a plethora of stuffed animals.

By 8:00, we were able to go on anything with no lines.
We went on Colossus, then the kids kept going, running down the ramp when they got off the ride, around to the front and back on seven times over!
Then the same with Wild Mouse!

I've got such happy memories of times that we went round and round not having to wait in any lines, 
bragging about the number of rides in a row we were brave enough for.
Every kid needs days like that.

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