Thursday, May 26, 2022

We Must Do Better

Today, after the Uvalde shooting yesterday and Buffalo last week,
 I called my Congressman (John Curtis) and both Senators, (Mike Lee & Mitt Romney)
to voice my opinion on gun control. It took under a minute, an intern answered for Curtis
and I got voicemail at the Senators. 
You say your name, your zip code and if you want a response or not. 
It was easy and really the only difference I can make, but an important one.

We must do better.

I've never called my legislator before, but I was encouraged that it was not only necessary, but welcome, by the various social media feeds like SharonSaysSo and AmericanMoms.
I've appreciated reading their posts and others that have helped me clarify my thoughts 
for what legislation I wish our country could pass.

1) Why, why, why do we allow automatic rifles? Why? It makes no sense to me.
There is No. Reason. anyone needs one. 
2) Raise the age limit to purchase guns to 21. I'd even like to see 25. 
You can't rent a car unless you're 25. Seems like similar reasoning would make sense for gun ownership.
3) Background checks and licensing and testing required for gun purchase and also ammo purchase.
4) Title and registration accompanying a gun similar to cars.

I love what Sharon says in response to "guns don't kill people, people kill people."
Guns are tools that make it easier and quicker for people to kill people.
Like Dan said, "If he had to kill with his bare hands, he'd probably think twice about it."


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