Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Baseball Again

To make summer special, you've got to do fun things.
For me that means make a plan to do fun things so you don't end up sitting around outside doing nothing, or, even worse, sitting around inside doing nothing.
(Unless of course you planned to sit around inside doing nothing. Then that's relaxing.)

Jacob had a baseball playoff game at Bywater Park where Nick played in for a couple of years.
Dan and I rode our e-bikes which was a blast, and also freezing on the way home 
(50* is too cold for summer!)

Loved catching up with Katie and cheering Jacob on.
He had two fantastic hits, got an RBI and scored at home both times.
Both teams were pretty good, so super fun to watch. And Jake's team won!!

Those baseball years were some great ones for our family. Busy, but some great memories.

What a view!

Tried to get a pic of us on our ride home but it was trickier than it looked.

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