Monday, November 15, 2021

You've Got to be Kidding

Whelp, all I was doing was just sitting at the kitchen table updating my blog when my back felt a bit uncomfortable, like I needed to stretch. And when I moved to stretch it zinged and compelled me to stand, but when I tried to stand, I couldn't. And that's how I threw my back out. 

So yeah, I have a bunion and I threw out my back by sitting.

It was actually kind of funny. Funny because it was so surreal and because I also have that problem where I laugh at serious things instead of being serious.

Dan was in the kitchen while I hobbled to the counter and held on for support. Trying to let go, but not being able to and then laughing because who can't stand up when they want?

We decided I should lay down on the floor to stretch, but I couldn't let go, so he stood behind me with his arms under mine and I leaned back on him and moved my legs when he moved his in a marionette-style dance. Getting to the ground was challenging, but I slowly contorted my body to the arm of the chair to the coffee table to my knees to the floor. Dan ran to get the foam roller so I could put it under my hips. But I couldn't lift my hips that high so I laughed again and asked if I was dreaming because that was the only way any of this made sense. He said I wasn't. 

We did cat/cow and child's pose and then I asked him to hand me my phone so I could call the chiropractor. And grab me 4 Advil while you're at it. 

He had to run to shower before a meeting and I wanted to clean up too because there's nothing worse than being disabled and hot and sweaty. He walked behind me as I hoisted myself up the stairs on a backward diagonal, clinging onto the railing for dear life. Halfway up the doorbell rang. He ran down to answer it. The Christmas light guys were here, which reminded me that I hadn't hung the ribbons for the wreaths like I'd intended to on Sunday because it was nice to be lazy for a day and now I really regretted that decision. So I continued hauling myself up another flight of stairs all the way to the attic for half of the ribbon. And by the time I'd moved so much, my back was actually working better. It could support me pretty well, as long as I didn't bend over. So I went to the basement and out of sheer will was able to shimmy into the crawl space in the basement and get the rest of the ribbons that were down there. 

Two hours later when I walked into the chiropractor's office, I was trotting along pretty well and feeling a bit embarrassed for making a mountain out of a molehill and saying I needed an appointment today.

The chiro did some muscle testing and then some work and after I'd lain flat on my back for 15 minutes, I couldn't stand again and started sinking on my way to the chair. But he was used to things like that and actually helped me feel less embarrassed because I was reminded that yes, I really did need help.

Did some FSM and laser something or other that helps hydrate the blood in the area and stimulate healing. Told me not to sit and to keep moving as much as possible. But I did sit longer than necessary. Because instead of turning toward home I continued to Cubby's to get sweet potato fries with maple syrup dip and a sandwich because I definitely deserved it today.

After lunch I felt like I'd run a marathon, emotionally and physically. I lay on the couch and slept soundly for two hours, dreams and all.

Didn't do any recommended walking this evening because tomorrow we go to Pagosa and I'm going to be on my feet all day. And I'm so freaking exhausted! 

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