Wednesday, November 10, 2021


Wet and chilly day, but great for a bike ride if you have warm gear, which I do.

In the back yard only a couple of trees are still holding on to their leaves. 
Looks so barren, but the stage is set to actually anticipate snow. I love having all four seasons.

Jen, Carol and I went to the temple today. I'm so lucky not only to have such long-time friends 
but also friends who enjoy going to the temple with me. And getting lunch afterward, of course.
Jen picked me up in her suburban and I should have requested we listen to Dan Fogelberg so it could be just like our high school years. Except back then she drive a little Volkswagon Bug.

Dan is out of town and Nick has a workout rest day tomorrow, so he stayed up later than usual and we watched two episodes of Top Gear together. Even though I don't know cars as well as he does, the show is super entertaining, great writing, a little irreverent and very funny. I enjoy it as much as any other show.

At one point Nick and I both were caught off guard (one of the main guys peed his pants) and we both laughed out loud then Nick giggled for the next five minutes. 
(Remember watching Christmas Vacation when Nick was little and he couldn't stop laughing?)
That. All over again. Perfection.

(He was trying so hard to suppress his laughter and just couldn't!)

And also during the two hours of watching TV, I stuffed and sealed over 300 Christmas cards. 
On November 10. 
Not sure if this day could have been any better.


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