Friday, November 19, 2021

Wedding Day

When I met Ryan and Kory before Dan went on his mission, Kory was 3 and Ryan was 7.
We babysat them several times a couple years later when we were married.
Their sense of humor can't be beat.
And are brave, strong handsome men, but so tender and kind. 
I've loved those boys for so long and they'll always hold a special place in my heart.
I also so admire their professions -- Kory as a police officer and Ryan as an elementary school teacher 
(I often thought how much I would have loved my boys to have a cool male teacher like Ryan.)
Amy is also an officer which I think is so cool that she and Kory share that profession.
She's darling and fun and her family is delightful. It was fun to get to know them a little bit.

 Kory & Amy's sunset wedding was absolutely spectacular.

Kory's kids -- Claire & Colin

Ryan, Dan & EC

Kory and his mom, Jo


Amy & her mother, Estella

Beautiful ceremony and dinner. Perfect weather and setting.
Fun to dance (even if I had to move carefully with my back) with Dan, Jo & Gram.
And the mariachi band playing during dinner was reminiscent of mine & Dan's wedding!
(A bit more talented - Ha!)

Earlier in the day we played with Colin & Claire in the pool.
Amazing how "dive for the peso" can give hours of entertainment!

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