Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Packing Day

Nick had the whole day off from online MTC classes today to prepare for his departure.

He went to breakfast with a friend and fellow missionary,
and afterward, they stopped at Jerry's home to visit.

Jerry D. was a church greeter and ALWAYS had a hug for all the boys,
remembered everyone's name and made every young man feel important and special.
In fact, he treated every single person like a close friend.

His bad back has prevented him from coming to church for many months,
so Nick and Will took him a plate of farewell treats.
And even though it was earlyish in the morning, Jerry loved seeing his boys.

Nick and I spent the rest morning packing.
Three hours until I accompanied Nick to his haircut (because he can't go without a companion).
Nick commented that it was a good thing we didn't leave the packing until tomorrow.
I told him I'd never allow that to happen.

After his haircut, we got lunch at Pizzeria Limone with Dan,
then home for a telehealth appointment with the doctor to get 
tips for GI issues when/if he gets them in Ecuador.

More packing and repacking because the bags were sooo heavy.
Tried to talk Nick into taking a 70 lb bag and just paying the extra weight fee,
but 70 lbs is really heavy, even for Nick, and he didn't want to haul such a heavy bag at every transfer.
Plus, he likes knowing what to expect and he worried about 
unknown complications from heavy bags at the airport.

He and Dan ran out to get a few last minute things, and I added a little luggage scale to his list
knowing Nick would love the certainty it would provide.

Nick loved the scale (I knew he would) and did more repacking on his own until satisfied
with a limit he felt comfortable with.

We went to Itto's for dinner with Anders, Noah and Will, which was as nice for me and Dan
to spend time with the boys as it was for them to be together one last time.

Our last night together, with everything finished, we watched some Olympics.

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