Sunday, August 04, 2024

Nick's Farewell

A waffle, fruit salad and bacon breakfast per tradition for
so many big Shaeffer days.

Chris and Nick got in a morning workout.

Courtney organized family photos before church with a photographer friend of a friend,
and everyone was dressed and on time with zero outfit stress.
I can't wait to see how they turned out.
I'm sooooooo happy to have a family photo with all of us before Nick leaves!

We are so grateful that our ward let Nick give his farewell talk on a fast Sunday
so that all our family could be here.
He did a fantastic job sharing how this year racing cars he learned that:
1) God hears and answers prayers, sends comfort and peace, and protects us.

He shared how before his first race at Indy he was very nervous.
He said a prayer, then was prompted to open his scriptures to Alma 36:3

And now, O my son Helaman, behold, thou art in thy youth,
and therefore, I beseech of thee that thou wilt hear my words and learn of me;
for I do now that whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be
supported  in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, 
and shall be lifted up at the last day.

He spoke about how many challenges he had in racing this year and so many times things just didn't seem to go his way. But those experiences have prepared him for a mission, because he'll have plenty of trials and he's learned how to pick himself up and brush himself off and continue turning to the Lord for guidance.


We are so grateful for all the family and friends who showed up or listened to his talk online.
Their love and support means so much.
People who came were Grandma, Marge, Bekah, Livy & Jane, Elise & Ethan (and Soleil!);
Diane, Sam & Luke; Jo & Kelly, Kory, Amy, Claire, Colin & Xochitl;
Chris Stone. Tate, Noah (and his parents) Anders, Will, Beckam;
Joy & Kevin Bouck and all 7 kids; Goldsberrys, Afflecks, Englands, Hoggans, 
Rasch, Hoole, Patti, Fornelius, Howells, Rosens
Michael, Katie, Jake, Charlie & Gavin
In addition, these people from the ward came to our home after:
Brands, Watts, Woods, Moffats, Rigbys, Eberts, Eaglestons, Hardmans
also several youth and some littles (who were very excited about the climbing wall).

One of Nick's best friends, Luke, couldn't come because he's in Florida playing football.
His parents made all the food for the farewell as a gift for Nick and us.
Breakfast burritos, Caesar Salad wraps, and fruit trays.
Raspberry and Nutella profiteroles,
peanut butter coconut cookies, banana chocolate chip cookies, macarons in four flavors
and apricot and jam thumbprint cookies.
And Joy refused to come empty handed and brought her salted caramel brownies.

The food was to die for and I was simply overwhelmed with the Whiting's generosity 
and also talent for gorgeous baked goods and scrumptious burritos & wraps!

All to soon, while we still had a houseful of guests, Christopher had to leave to the airport.
And 30 minutes later, Courtney, Michael, Marty, Lizzie & Emi.

Our friend, Corey, wouldn't let Chris take an Uber and drove him to the airport, 
saying he time to catch up. And of course we let him because we knew he meant it.

It was a tearful goodbye between the two brothers.

And soon after the Rosens were here to take the rest of the kids.
Their goodbye was at the front door and I could tell Nick wished he had more time.
Or at least an empty house after they left.

That was a hard part of the rest of a beautiful day. 

We got to spend some time with my cousins family. Her son, Nick, just returned from Brazil two weeks ago. So it was fun to hear how much he loved his mission.

Chris Stone, Nick's racing coach, posted the following on his Instagram that I wanted to remember:

We had a family virtual tour of the MTC in the evening.
Dan teared up as the TV screen filled with over 700 families and their missionaries heading to the MTC this Wednesday. A week ago I asked him if he thought Nick would feel the spirit of gathering and the strength of being part of a righteous force of missionaries when he arrived at the MTC.
Dan said it would be impossible not to.

We felt it tonight, even virtually.

And after everyone went home, Dan, Nick and I ended the day
watching The Best Two Years. The most quintessential mission movie ever.

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