Friday, August 02, 2024


Today is Nick's preparation day, so didn't have class this morning, so Dan and I went with him to the new Taylorsville temple this morning. It was lovely.

We had enough time to pick up Nick's suit--which has been in for alterations three times.
They just can't get it right. Broad shoulders, thinner waist, slim leg fit, but strong thighs.
Also, a fabric with no stretch. After three times its not perfect, but good enough. 
The last time he had a suit tailored, the first time he wore it (was it jr. prom?),
he squatted down to pick up Kershaw and the butt tore out.
Fortunately the group was at our house so he could run up and change pants.
But he has moving in a suit PTSD now.

We had just enough time for pizza before his afternoon workshop began.

And I ran outside to check the light/shade for family pictures on Sunday.
Courtney asked if I wanted Ashlyn to snap a few pictures before church when we're all dressed up.
Ah, my dream come true that I didn't think would. (Family pictures before Nick left.)
We tried in Monterey and Watkins Glen to snap a few.
Monterrey was bad timing for light and bad location.
Watkins Glen was a beautiful setting and they turned out okay.
But to have a professional with a professional camera, well, fingers crossed they're great.

(Ashlyn couldn't come, but is sending her friend.)

Nick and Dan golfed this afternoon with Beckam and Anders.
Then Nick was back at it with evening classes.
(And the harmonica on breaks.)

BOOOOO to the airlines who were supposed to bring Michael and Courtney by 8:00 p.m.
and Christopher right after.
But instead Michael and Courtney sat on the tarmac in NYC for FIVE HOURS!
and don't get in until 2:00 a.m.
Chris was also delayed and doesn't get in until 1:00.

Bummer, but glad they're still able to come!

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