Monday, August 12, 2024

Friends Day

Our annual Ladies Day at the Pool.
Being with friends who sympathize about how sad it is to say goodbye to a child leaving on a mission is a good thing. And then we celebrated that Andrea's daughter is coming home next month.
And then we moved on to other topics and catching up and laughed a lot.

Not shown in any photos is Jen K. who we haven't seen in a long time because she works full time.
But she was able to come during her lunch break and it was so good to be with her again.

This summer has been hot, hot, hot. No cloud cover, no rain.
Until today. We spent most of our pool time at the hot tub,
and then the party broke up when it started to rain.
What's funny is this happens almost every year on pool day.
So maybe mid August is monsoon season in Salt Lake.

In other friend news, I got this text from Michelle H.
Let me tell you a story about when Michelle and I had a sleep over at her vacation house in Kamas, 
the weekend before 9th grade started. Maybe it was 10th.
But lying in side-by-side twin beds we stayed up late talking.

(Michelle is the best person to analyze life and the cosmos with! 
These types of conversations continued into college.)

We were in awe at how fast junior high had gone. We were teenagers already!
And high school was also only three years. So that would speed by just as quickly.
Before we knew it we'd be in college and at only four years, 
in a blink those days would also be behind us.
We'd get married, those kids would grow up as fast as we did and then we'd be old!
So at 14 years old, we laughed and laughed about how we were almost grandmas.

We don't get to see each other often, but we always refer to that conversation.
Her daughter, Krissy, is Marty & Lizzie's age and moved to Denver last year.
Lizzie, who is the kindest "make-it-happen" person,
had a playdate with Krissy and her kids this week. 

(So sorry, Grandma Adair, that I never visited your sister Vera 
when I lived in Provo like you hoped I would.)

I got this text from Michelle H. afterward:

In other good news, Chris got home from Houston last night and absolutely 
killed it at his internship with Berkadia. He learned a ton, made it a point to be the first one in and the last one out, and they loved him, of course.

My low of the day is my ankles got eaten alive at the restaurant next to the lake in Chicago.
I was up at 4:00 a.m. scratching and trying all my itch reliever potions, none of which worked.
Finally I just started cleaning Nick's room in the middle of the night for a distraction.

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