Thursday, August 15, 2024

20 Years of Cottonwood Communities

I am SO proud of Dan and the business he and Chad built.
It started as Cottonwood Capital. 
In 2010 it became Cottonwood Residential.
And now since 2021, its known as Cottonwood Communities.

Today they celebrated their 20th Anniversary 
(a few months early, while the weather is still nice).

A lot of the team came from all over the country for the celebration party
and I loved having all evening to catch up with and meet many wonderful people
who all love working at Cottonwood.

The party was at High Star Ranch in Kamas with archery, axe throwing and yard games.

My arrows hit the outside of the target (the white part) all in the same place.
I was proud of myself for being so consistent.

We gathered to watch a short video of some of the company history
then Greg, Chad and Dan and spoke about how far the company has come,
even getting emotional. I was definitely shedding tears. 

Kristie is the longest employee. 
She was our neighbor and started as a receptionist just after she graduated high school, 
about a year after they started the company.
We laughed at how Dan would come home and tell me about the two different guys she was dating.

She went on to get her Accounting degree and her husband works for Cottonwood too.

After games, then the video and speeches, we had a wonderful dinner on the lawn 
and more socializing until the sun started to go down and we said goodbye.


During the video, when pictures of the different properties come on screen,
people cheered for their spot, or got a laugh (fright) at some of the early apartments.
It was fun for me to hear how everyone took pride in their places.

But I also thought that only
Dan & me, Chad & Kristin, Marian & Greg
know about all the hard conversations. 
For starters, getting the business off the ground.
The risk of quitting their jobs and betting on their idea...
Me: What in the heck do you know about real estate?! 
Dan: I know about investing, and that's what this is.
Me: I DO NOT want to answer the phone all day giving info about properties for rent.
Dan: No one is calling our homes. This is a much bigger scale than that.

The year of a very limited income before buying their first deal.
The first Christmas parties at our homes with so few employees that we 
could have a white elephant exchange and open the gifts at the party.

So many other times of not knowing how to make ends meet with the business 
then either Dan or Chad getting inspiration -- the Walgreens, for one,
moving from TICs to REITs, for another, and so many more.
Exciting hirings and agonizing firings.
Moving offices many times over.
Years of cutting his salary so they could keep other employees.
And amazing years of mind-blowing dividends.

Whether highs or lows, we've always been grateful for the flexibility
and happiness being his own boss has meant to Dan and our family.
I'm so, so, so proud of what Dan and Chad created!

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