Friday, August 16, 2024

Clark's Wedding

Today we flew to Phoenix to celebrate the marriage of Clark and Bethany.

On our way to the airport, we passed gaggles of kids enjoying their first early-day Friday
of the school year.

If felt a little sad missing the excitement of first days of school,
but have been consoled thinking of next year or the following, 
Emi may have her first day of preschool and I can enjoy that!

I love that in our neighborhood, the kids roam in packs on Fridays.
It's an important part of childhood to get to be independent.

We picked up EC to go together to Clark's wedding.
I don't have a picture of the bride and groom,
but did capture a pic of the choreographed dance his family did!

We loved spending time with Ian and Lauren; (Norah & Lila had the best time on the dance floor!), 
Jake and Amanda; Kay and Chuck; Mary Ellen and JD and Adam, Duncan and Kristin. 

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