Saturday, August 03, 2024

24 Hours of Togetherness

Courtney, Michael & Christopher all arrived by 2:00 a.m,
long after the rest of us were in bed. We're so glad they made it!

Chris (who has the abilities of the Energizer Bunny),
was up for the 6:50 t-time with Dan and Nick.

We had lunch at Asian Star, because Itto's wasn't open at 11:00 a.m.,
(trying to knock out Nick's favorites), and the consensus is early lunch Chinese isn't ideal.
But the fortunes made us laugh.

Dan picked up Marty, Lizzie and Emi from the airport,
and now we're all together!

We barbecued and for dinner and while Nick was in his evening classes,
the rest of us swam--entertained by Emi jumping off the diving board into her daddy's arms. 
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 4!

Ended the day with a late night Nielsen's run before bed.

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