Monday, July 24, 2023

Pagosa Elk Stampede

 Hit the book hard again today and by 5:00 I was brain dead. 
Totally wiped out.

After a 30 minute nap, we took the e-bikes out for an evening ride.
As we left the house, we surprised a huge herd of elk in Green's meadow just across our fence.
They stood and watched us as we pedaled (assisted!) down our road.
We turned toward them after the gate, and they started running out of the meadow,
over the fence, across the road and over a second fence. (A bunch of the babies didn't make the jump).

By the time they made it into the other meadow, it was a stampede
as they bugled and crashed through another fence, 
the thunder of their hooves carrying across the whole valley!

We turned around and rode to Bridge Campground then home again.
On our return, the elk were quietly hanging just apart from the cows.
Dan rode to the top of our hill to watch, and was just in time to see the cows
chase after them and the elk make a break for it back across the road and into the neighboring property to the north of us.

Back at home we ate dinner, FaceTimed with Courtney and Michael
(real work started this week!)
and watched through binoculars as the elk made their way slowly through the forest.

They called to each other late into the night. (Sound on!)

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