Saturday, July 08, 2023


Today's cleaning projects included cleaning out the laundry room closets (which was mostly squinting to read expiration dates and throwing lots of ointments from 2011 away, as well as tossing at least four "first aid kits" from three boys' scout assignments to put together first aid kits in ziploc baggies).

I also scrubbed three cushions from the outdoor couches with Pink Stuff, hoping to remove discoloration from five years of pollen. I was very optimistic, but in the end, there was no improvement. And now I can rest easy in spending the extra $$ for replacements, knowing I've given it my all to get them clean. (Of course I wom't be throwing them away because, who knows what new idea I could have to save them...dye them with RIT?)

In the middle of the day, Chris invited me to lunch. We went to the Dodo and had the best conversation, just talking about everything. After lunch, he paid! I laughed thinking he was using Dad's card, but he said, "If I don't pay, you'll think I invited you just to get a free lunch." I told him that's often how it works, but believe me, I'm more than happy to pay when my kids want to do things with me. It's a win-win if they're willing to spend time with me! 

By 9:00 I eventually got tired of cleaning and organizing -- yes, even I have a limit for organizing and purging --  and watched a couple episodes of Gilmore Girls. Courtney loves that show, especially because of the mom and daughter dynamic and now it just seems rude that I haven't watched it either. Lorelai's witty banter (often laced with sarcasm or snark) is pretty impressive and I'm dying to know if she's following the script or ever ad-libbing. 

Nick had a great race today and I'm looking forward to hearing the update on how he felt racing for a different team on a new track.

Courtney and Michael moved into their Philadelphia apartment yesterday and they feel really good about the apartment they chose. And it looks really comfortable. No drawers in the kitchen so my brain has been problem-solving on that. As is hers, of course. She starts her new job on Monday.

Marty and Lizzie have been hard at work making improvements on their new home with plans to move in at the end of the month. Lizzie is getting a crash course in hiring contractors, and really that in itself is a great life lesson (because once you start figuring that out, it isn't so overwhelming in the future.) And apparently Marty hung their window blinds! I need to call and talk to them first hand about everything.

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