Friday, March 17, 2023

Happy Birthday to our Leprechaun

Happy Birthday, Chris! 
I love you! Feel like I'm the luckiest to be your mom.

We had green ebelskivers for breakfast (and no school for Nick, so everyone got to sleep in and have a leisurely morning.) Chris got a sleeping bag and tent from mom and dad and a new cowboy hat 
(he'll need to go pick it out) from Nick. 

And yes, his beard and mustache had a little help from my mascara.

Gina commented on my Instagram post that she was Chris' primary teacher when he was 8 years old.
She always thinks of him on St. Patrick's Day and him explaining to her "I don't have to wear green because I'm a Leprechaun. People born on St. Patrick's Day are."

Is that the cutest?

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