Sunday, March 12, 2023

Daylight Savings Time

Ugh, Daylight Savings Time. And another dusting of snow.
Yay, no church responsibilities today.

I've enjoyed going to Relief Society for the last couple of weeks,
reconnecting with friends and getting to know some of the ladies better.

No F-1 races or football games today so we watched a couple of episodes of The Chosen 
which never disappoint. I love how Jesus is portrayed and I love how it helps me understand the scripture stories and settings in a more profound way.

It's always nice to have Chris home, and after dinner we got to catch up with Marty, Lizzie and Emi and watch how she can scoot around, reaching and grabbing, not for toys surrounding her, but for shoes.
Typical baby! It's so fun to see how much she's learned even from a month ago!

A river of drool, Emi! Caught on camera!

Nick and I also spent time today cleaning his room.
Mom hack: "I'll fold your laundry and hang it up while you clean out your bathroom drawers."
I don't mind folding laundry at all, especially when my kids are helping out.

So to get not only the laundry put away, but Nick organizing his bathroom too?
Ahhhhh, my brain loves seeing an organized closet and bathroom drawers!

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