Tuesday, March 07, 2023



Kelly H. and I went on a long walk today up past her home and into the hills above the freeway.
We haven't spent time together catching up in the longest time and I loved every minute of it. Multiple times we mentioned something about our personality or parenting and the other said, "yes, I know!" because there were years, ten at least, where we talked almost every day. 
From when Marty and Nate became best friends in Kindergarten right when we moved to Utah, through Nicholas and Lucy being best friends in first or second grade and many summers throughout elementary school. We've gone on trips together -- Hawaii and Pagosa... did they come on the cruise that one year? 
What else am I forgetting?
Anyway, I loved giving a hug to a long-time friend who I've missed seeing in such a long time!

(I also haven't hiked in the longest time!)

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