Sunday, May 23, 2021


 I've had two days alone and I've loved it.
After I dropped off Michelle at her father-in-law's on Friday
(Jay had emergency back surgery so Michelle stayed to be with him a couple of days),
I came home and fell asleep for an hour. Maybe longer. 
The minute the last of my family left, my adrenaline faucet ran dry and I completely crashed.

Pried myself awake by watching a show and then when the grogginess wore off, 
got all my homework done. 

Saturday morning I hiked with Kershaw up to Desolation Overlook,
then worked on my submission for four hours or more.

Today I woke up with time to listen to Music and the Spoken Word 
while I read scriptures and wrote in my journal -- pages and pages of catching up. 

This time alone has been restorative. I needed it after all the activity of the last few months.
A chance to ponder, clear my mind, and refocus.

As I read my scriptures, I had a thought about discerning between good and evil. 
We have so many voices in the world. So many versions of truth. 
When we keep up on the "little things" like scriptures and prayer, we're allowing ourselves to stay in tune with the Holy Ghost and protecting ourselves from becoming deceived. 
We're able to see more clearly to align our will with God's will and allow him to direct our path--
our own unique path--one that will bring us the most joy and growth and bring us closer to him.

My mom used to say, "Be thoughtful about what you pray for.
Do you want what you want, or do you want what God wants for you?"

I've learned that God cares about what we want. He can see how to get us there. 
He also sees the bigger picture and what might be better for us.

"Trust in the Lord with all thine might and lean not unto thine own understanding; 
In all they ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path."

I choose God.

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