Saturday, May 23, 2020


Today was an online Writer's Conference I signed up for.
I listened to five dynamic and informative sessions, 
and one super boring one that I quit after 3 minutes.

It's been so fun learning more about writing. I've had so many questions answered.
I also progressed through a lot more of my writing class.
Lots of listening today. Now I actually have to start writing.

One thing I learned from one presenter is that she outlines almost entirely in dialogue,
which is what I did. I feel so validated! Now I need to add depth and voice to make the dialogue become the voice of each character.

When I got tired, I went on a bike ride which was energizing.
And I showered for the first time since Wednesday.
I also took Kershaw to daycare so he could have some playtime with other dogs.

Bushes and bushes of strawberries in our garden.
Two strawbellies! Two strawbellies!
(Courtney, age 2, with a cute little booty jig as she sang.
She asked for a strawberry and I said she could have TWO!)

The only low of today was just when I was almost done with the scrapbook of our California years,
I discovered hundreds of photos in Courtney's room.
The good part is I was wondering why we had no photos of her broken arm,
her birthday parties, Carlthorp friends, and Crestwood playground.
The bad part is I had hundreds more photos to scan. But I did it.
I did it!!!!!
I think tomorrow, for Sunday, I'll take a break from writing lectures and 
listen to spiritual podcasts instead while I place the photos.

I'm so close! I want to finish!

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